Shabbes In Oradea

After nearly two weeks in northern Romania we are heading back west, towards home. And we have chosen the beautiful city of Oradea as the end of our journey. Here we spend our second and last Shabbes in Romania.

We have rented a very comfortable little apartment near the center of the town with its own kitchen where we can prepare our Shabbat meals. And the minyan is only a few minutes’ walk away!

And what a minyan it is! Friendly, gratious men and women, young and not so young; a rabbi with a booming voice who also serves as Chazen and as Baal Kore. Proud jews who keep up their Kehille even though it has diminished due to Aliyah to Israel. A mikve, a kosher canteen.

The guests from Vienna are very welcome. As the Rav put it, guests bring power to the kehille and also receive power. In the end everybody wins.

After Mussaf prayer everybody moves to the canteen. Delicious tshulent, loud and happy singing. And promises to come back whenever need be, may it be many simches!

!אויף סימכעס

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Born and raised in Vienna, Austria.

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